
Duke User Guide

Duke is a chat-bot application that helps you to manage your daily tasks through command line interface.

Quick Start

  1. Download and execute jar file from release. GUI should appear in a few seconds.
  2. Type in commands and press enter on the keyboard or click the “Send” button to execute commands.
  3. Type help command to list commands available.


Feature 1 - Task Management

Duke helps you to manage important tasks that you need to complete in your daily life. There are a total of 3 types of tasks: Todo, Deadline and Event. Tasks will be saved to a local file automatically, and you can re-open it anytime to perform further updates.

Feature 2 - Task Update

Duke allows you to mark your tasks as ‘Done’ after you have completed them successfully. You may also remove them from your list via the delete command.

Feature 3 - Intuitive Command Line Interface

Duke allows you to record your tasks with simple command line commands.

Feature Details

todo - Adds a todo task to your task list

input todo followed by a description of the task.

Example of usage:

todo <description of todo>

Expected outcome:

Thank you for your input. The following task has been added to the list:
    [T][x] <description of todo>
You have at total of 1 task in the list.

event - Adds an event task to your task list

input event followed by the description of your event, /at, followed by
dates in <DD/MM/YYYY> <HHMM> format.

Example usage:

event my event /at 19/09/2019 2349

Expected outcome:

Thank you for your input. The following task has been added to the list:
     [E][x] my event (at: 19th of September 2019, 11:49pm)
You have at total of 2 tasks in the list.

deadline - Adds a deadline task to your task list

input deadline followed by description of the deadline, /by, followed by dates in <DD/MM/YYYY> <HHMM> format.

Example usage:

deadline my deadline /by 20/03/2020 1303

Expected outcome:

Thank you for your input. The following task has been added to the list:
    [D][x] my deadline (by: 20th of March 2020, 1:03pm)
You have at total of 3 tasks in the list.

list - Displays all tasks in your task list

input list

Example usage: list

Expected outcome:

These are the tasks in your list:
1. [T][x] description of todo
2. [E][x] my event (at: 19th of September 2019, 11:49pm)
3. [D][x] my deadline (by: 20th of March 2020, 1:03pm)

find - Searches for a matching task in your task list

input find followed by search term to search for.

Example usage: find my

Expected outcome:

These are the matching tasks in your list
	[E][x] my event (at: 19th of September 2019, 11:49pm)
	[D][x] my deadline (by: 20th of March 2020, 1:03pm)

delete - remove a task

input delete followed by index of task to delete

Example usage: delete 1

Expected outcome:

The following task has been successfully removed:
	[T][x] description of todo
You have at total of 2 tasks in the list.

done - Marks a task as done

input done followed by index of task that has been completed

Example usage: done 1

Expected outcome:

Great job! The following task has been marked as done:
  [E][✓] my event (at: 19th of September 2019, 11:49pm)

sort - Sorts your list alphabetically according to task description or task type

input sort followed by description or type

Example usage 1: sort description

Expected outcome:

Your list has been sorted in alphabetical order with respect to task description.

These are the tasks in your list:
1. [D][✓] my deadline (by: 20th of March 2020, 1:03pm)
2. [E][x] my event (at: 19th of September 2019, 11:49pm)

Example usage 2: sort type

Expected outcome:

Your list has been sorted in alphabetical order with respect to task type.

These are the tasks in your list:
1. [D][✓] my deadline (by: 20th of March 2020, 1:03pm)
2. [D][✓] new deadline added (by: 30th of March 2019, 11:03pm)
3. [E][x] my event (at: 19th of September 2019, 11:49pm)

help - Displays all available commands in Duke application

input help

Example usage: help

Expected outcome:

"List of commands are as follows:"
                1. [list]: Lists all tasks
                2. [delete <index>]: Removes task from list
                3. [done <index>]: Marks task as done
                4. [todo <task>]: Creates Todo Task
                5. [deadline <task> /by DD/MM/YY HHMM]: Creates Deadline task with desired date
                6. [event <task> /at DD/MM/YY HHMM]: Creates Event task with desired date
                7. [find <query>] Returns matching tasks in list
                8. [sort <description> or <type>]: Sorts list   according to input parameter
                9. [help]: Displays all available features in Duke   application"
                10. [bye]: Closes program

bye - Saves any changes to task list and exits Duke application

input bye to exit the application

Example usage: bye

Expected outcome (no changes made to task list):

Goodbye. Hope to see you again soon!

Expected outcome (changes made to task list):

Tasks have been successfully saved to duke.txt!

Bye. Hope to see you again soon!